Outcome of community meeting on 18 October

Jan Morén jan.moren at lucs.lu.se
Wed Oct 20 11:41:27 UTC 2004

ons 2004-10-20 klockan 12:05 +0100 skrev Mark Shuttleworth:
> We had an extensive open discussion on Monday about the artwork for the 
> final release of 4.10 (The Warty Warthog). I think it's fair to say we 
> had representatives from across the community present and participating, 
> as well as many of the core developers. A full transcript of the meeting 
> is at http://people.ubuntu.com/~thom/ubuntu-artwork-meeting.log

Thanks for hosting a refreshingly polite and constructive meeting!

> The art theme of ubuntu is one way in which we would like to distinguish 
> the distribution, but it's clear that will need to be a derivative work 
> or separate layer of packages rather than part of the default.

I think it already has fulfilled that goal admirably :)

> In the pantheon of ideas about which it could be asked "which dumbnut 
> dreamed this up?" the idea of strong human imagery in Ubuntu would 
> appear to feature prominently, and the dumbnut in question would be me. 
> I'll have to shoulder any blame for the original idea and it's 
> execution, so please direct any such feedback at me rather than other 
> Ubuntu developers, and thanks to all of you who helped to straighten me out.

Actually, it seems most people - even most of those who came out against
it - liked the idea in principle, and many also liked the artwork
itself. People were just uncomfortable with having it as default. Part
of that reason is of course that people like the distro enough to want
to push it into all kinds of use you didn't plan for for a long time

I am very happy that you will keep the theme and the calendar idea for
anyone who wants it! 

Trust the Computer. The Computer is your friend.
Tel. (Japan) 090-3622 8920            Dr. Jan Morén (mr)
                                      Dept. of Cognitive Science
http://lucs.lu.se/people/jan.moren    Lund, Sweden

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