Nautilus and ssh

Chris Jones cmsj at
Wed Oct 20 06:47:29 UTC 2004


On Wed, October 20, 2004 1:20, Andy Main said:
> home directory anyway).  When I click on the icon it just hangs trying
> to open it.  What am I dong wrong?

It doesn't sound like you did anything wrong, but I have seen some other
people having issues with this, especially talking to sshds other than
You could try testing with the "sftp" command (e.g. "sftp user at hostname")
as sometimes it can be a key issue that gnome doesn't display.

> click, my keys are loaded automatically and voila the terminal opens! is
> there an easy way to say put a link on my desktop?

you could create a new Launcher (right click on the desktop and choose
"Create Launcher". When that doesn't do anything*, create a "Custom
Application Launcher" on the panel and drag it onto the desktop) that

  gnome-terminal -e ssh somehostname

As for the ssh keys, well, you can add them to $HOME/.ssh/config on a
per-host basis, e.g.:

  Host work
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/work-key.dsa

you'd then just run "ssh work" and it will look up the hostname and key
details. See "man ssh_config" for other options available.

* Maybe it's just something about my dodgy gnome config, but the Create
Launcher desktop context menu item never works for me ;)

Chris Jones
  cmsj at

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