Oh dear, not what I intended at all (was Re: Please try to get it right in future)
Andy Jarvis
andrew.jarvis at kolumbus.fi
Tue Oct 19 14:54:31 UTC 2004
I see that after an initial lull, my email appears to have caused a
little unintended upset. For this I apologise.
My original frustration is rather clearer than the positive intentions I
had. But as can be seen, this was written late in the evening, when I
was desperately trying to find a solution to a problem the cause of
which I did not (and still do not) really understand. I wrote as much
from a position of disappointment in my own ignorance as anything else.
But the reason I wanted to communicate my feelings, albeit ineptly, was
that I see Ubuntu as bringing many more people to Linux than has
previously been the case with other distributions. Some of them may even
have less knowledge of Linux in general than I do (can this be
I am personally more than delighted with the level of support I have
received through this list and have nothing but praise for the hard work
of the team who manage to support such a wide variety of queries at the
same time as trying to put together a final release. I do understand the
pressure, believe me.
As to the original cause of the problem, I do not know what it was. All
I can say is that I am always diligent in checking the outcome of the
updates I do and definitely did not see a failure. I certainly have not
run out of disk space. I suspect the answer will remain a mystery. I
also apologise that I did not provide enough information but at the time
I gave everything I could think of. Please do not think I was
criticising Matt or any of the team for the lack of response. I was more
surprised that nobody at all had any initial suggestions as to where I
might look for more information. The last thing I would want to do is
cause any bad feeling as a result of any badly-worded comments of mine.
I honestly believe you guys have done an incredible job of producing
such a solid piece of work as Ubuntu and in such a short time. I most
certainly DO realise that what we are currently dealing with is a
pre-release system and I absolutely recognise that such use as entirely
at my own risk. I am not for a moment suggesting anything different.
I very much hope that the positive comments in my original message were
not entirely lost.
"I'll get my coat."
Best regards and thanks for the first truly usable (on my criteria)
Linux distribution.
> Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> > On Sat, Oct 16, 2004 at 11:21:38PM +0300, Andy Jarvis wrote:
> >
> > My first guess would be that the upgrade failed for some reason
> (perhaps you
> > ran out of disk space), but you didn't notice, and rebooted anyway,
> > resulting in a broken system. This has happened to other users in
> the past.
> I've noticed that dpkg is prone to running out of disk space. In
> contrast, rpm checks first, and if it dont' fit it won't try.
> It's a something someone should add sometime:-)
> >>When I requested further help, such as whether there exists a boot
> floppy
> >>image from which I could repair the problem or whether the Ubuntu
> install
> >>process has been fixed to allow non-destructive install (i.e. a
> repair
> >>rather than complete re-install) I was met with utter silence.
> >
> >
> > I regret that the support that you received at no cost has not been
> > sufficient for your needs. Paid support options are available if
> you
> > require a higher level of service.
> Calm down Matt. Probably Andy didn't mean it just the way you
> understood
> him.
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