Spell checking in thunderbird?

Worik worik at noggon.com
Tue Oct 19 09:22:11 UTC 2004

Sigh, no.  I have aspell installed...

worik at stolberg:~ $ dpkg -l aspell*|grep '^ii '
ii  aspell         0.50.5-3       GNU Aspell spell-checker
ii  aspell-bin     0.50.5-3       GNU Aspell standalone spell-check 
ii  aspell-en      0.51-1-1       English dictionary for GNU Aspell
worik at stolberg:~ $

still missilling....

Bastian Doetsch wrote:
> Am Dienstag, den 19.10.2004, 10:18 +1300 schrieb Worik:
>>I do not belive that my spelling iss that good!
>>THe spell checker in thunderbird cannot find findq my spelling mistakes.
>>Do I need to install another package?
> I'm not sure which spell checker is used, but do you have the aspell
> package for your language. The german package had to be installed from
> universe, so you might want to check out, if it's the same for the
> language you want to be checked.
> cya 
> Bastian

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