Spell checking in thunderbird?

Bastian Doetsch bastian.doetsch at gmx.de
Tue Oct 19 06:50:17 UTC 2004

Am Dienstag, den 19.10.2004, 10:18 +1300 schrieb Worik:
> Friends
> I do not belive that my spelling iss that good!
> THe spell checker in thunderbird cannot find findq my spelling mistakes.
> Do I need to install another package?

I'm not sure which spell checker is used, but do you have the aspell
package for your language. The german package had to be installed from
universe, so you might want to check out, if it's the same for the
language you want to be checked.


> cheers
> Worik

"The path of excess leads to the palace of wisdom."
- William Blake, The marriage of heaven and hell

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