Japanese Input solved

Jan Morén jan.moren at lucs.lu.se
Mon Oct 18 23:43:54 UTC 2004

mån 2004-10-18 klockan 10:46 -0500 skrev wak:
> yes, i have enabled it to work permanently as is explained and switching input method works in the terminal and other gtk+ applications just pressing CAP+SPACE.
> but if i run "LC_CTYPE=ja_JP.UTF-8 oowriter" from a terminal, openoffice opens but i only get latin characters, nothing of kanas or kanjis.

Strange. It works for me. I start it, and then I can press Shift-Space
and I get nice, friendly Hiragana when I type.

You have switched your system to use UTF-8, including choosing a
language on login based on UTF-8?

Trust the Computer. The Computer is your friend.
Tel. (Japan) 090-3622 8920            Dr. Jan Morén (mr)
                                      Dept. of Cognitive Science
http://lucs.lu.se/people/jan.moren    Lund, Sweden

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