backing up /home

dave dave at
Mon Oct 18 18:39:02 UTC 2004

If /home is on its own partition, why not just leave it alone?

When I migrated from Debian to Ubuntu, I specified that the partition 
should be mounted to /home and *not* formatted. I am the only user, so I 
was assigned the same uid and everything worked flawlessly. If there's 
more than 1 user, creating them in the same order (look at /etc/passwd) 
should get you the same result.

ok, I just re-read your message. Is it because of the new HD? You might 
look at LVM and the possibility of using logical volumes to increase the 
size of /home.


Bo Rosén wrote:
> Hi all,
> When Warty goes gold in a couple of days, I plan on wiping and
> reformating my whole system as well as adding a new hdd. However, my
> home partition would be pretty good to have so I'm going to back that up
> to dvd and then copy over the files I need and want into Ubuntu. Looking
> at mkisofs I'm a bit overwhelmed at all the options, so I was wondering
> how people would do it. What options would you suggest I use and are
> there any pitfalls to look out for?
> Thanks,
>        Bo

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