Totem crashes when trying to play avi file and no sound preview in nautilus

Ben Edwards funkytwig at
Mon Oct 18 12:26:30 UTC 2004

Have you tried using totem-xime instead of totem-gstreamer?  I use
this abd can play .avi.  BTW if you want to play DVD I think the xine
'version' is the one to use.

On Fri, 15 Oct 2004 19:26:24 +0200, Bastian Doetsch
<bastian.doetsch at> wrote:
>  Hi there,
>  are there any known workarounds for playing avis with totem? It just starts
> up and instantaneously crashes. I already installed the w32codecs package
> from universe but that doesn't help.
>  Moreover, contrary to the Mandrake 10 I had on my computer beforehand, I
> don't get any sound-previews in nautilus anymore. Normally, it just started
> playing a file when I did a mouseover on a wav or mp3 file, now it doesn't.
> Any clues here?
>  Btw., Ubuntu is in my opinion a very good distribution. I think I'll stick
> to it, being a former mandrake user. If it wasn't for the multimedia issues,
> it would have been even more astonishing.
>  Any help would be greatly appreciated!
>  Regards,
>  Bastian 
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