fglrx/ati problems
Noah Dain
noahdain at gmail.com
Sun Oct 17 02:16:42 UTC 2004
howdy. I have a 9800 running on an nforce2 mobo, and had probs
getting dual-head mode working.
in my case, it turned out to be that the ati drivers only support up
to agp 4x mode, whereas the 9800 and nforce2 do 8x. After setting the
bios to a max of 4x, everything worked without a hitch.
that said, I'd would look at the output of lsmod and see if the ati
module it loading:
lsmod | grep fglrx
if it's not loaded, try:
modprobe fglrx
and see if it tells you anything of interest. you may want to `tail
-f /var/log/messages' on another vtty before modprobing the module, as
messages may show more interesting info.
you also are loading mobo (intel) agp support AND then having the ati
xserver use it's internal agp. From doing a little research, the
option for the ati driver to use it's internal agp code was something
of a compatability feature for earlier driver revisions and should/may
not be needed with more recent versions. So, in
`/etc/X1/XFree86Config-4' look for a line:
Option "UseInternalAGPGART" "yes"
and change that to "no"
other than that, your XFree86Config-4 looks quite similar to mine.
have fun
On Sat, 16 Oct 2004 12:25:42 -0600, Travis Hagglund
<thagg at telusplanet.net> wrote:
> I am trying to run two monitors with my radeon 9700 video card.
> I have loaded the fglrx and glibc packages and created a XF86Config-4
> file using fglrxConfig. I also included fglrx to my etc/modules file.
> The ati drivers won't seem to load though, as seen when running
> fglrxinfo. I have included output from fglrxinfo, dmesg, and a copy of
> XF86Config-4 in separate attachments.
> Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
> Travis H.
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