Mixed localization

Petri Pennanen suvarin at home.se
Sat Oct 16 11:52:53 UTC 2004

On Thu, 2004-10-14 at 23:16 +0300, jannehh wrote:
> There appears to be something missing with the cd-rom, it works but quite
> slowly and the cd-player application wouldn't make a sound. Ripped
> some songs of a CD and the mp3's played just right.

My bet is that DMA (Direct Memory Acess) is disabled on your cd-rom (it
is the default since it works unreliably on some cd-rom models). Check
this by opening a terminal and running:

	hdparm /dev/hdc

One of the lines should read:

 	using_dma    =  1 (on)

if it reads:

	using_dma    =  0 (off)

you have found your problem. You can set DMA to on by running:

	sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/hdc

To make the setting permanent you must edit a configuration file:

	sudo nano /etc/hdparm.conf

Make sure there is a section that looks like this:

	/dev/hdc {
	        dma = on

The lines should not be commented (have # in the beginning of the line
that is). Save by pressing ctrl-o, exit by pressing ctrl-x. 

> I did the installation with Finnish localization and it isn't quite
> finished yet, which is perfectly OK by me. Or would be if the missing
> parts were in English but instead they are in Swedish... Now, I do
> understand quite a lot of every day Swedish but am missing the
> computer vocabulary, so this does make some things pretty difficult.


	sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales

Make sure to generate en_US.ISO-8859-15 and pick it as default. You will
now have english as default langugae, finnish characters should also
work. You can generate finnish too at the same time and start finnsih
sessions from the login screen when you feel like it.

- Petri

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