The theme issue: in search of a solution

Ryan Thiessen ryanthiessen at
Fri Oct 15 18:55:09 UTC 2004

On Fri, 15 Oct 2004 11:00:26 +0100, Henrik Nilsen Omma
<henrik at> wrote:
> I would think that the current GDM screen is basically harmless, but it
> does rather tend to jump out at you. I think that with these changes,
> there should be no problem deploying it in companies, schools, or
> libraries. What do others think?


I actually think the orginal GDM theme looks more appropriate, somehow
the brightness makes it look happier and more cheerful.  I do think
that reverting the splash logo to a simple Ubuntu logo would go a long
way to satisfying some of the complaints here, as there would be no
suggestion of nudity on a default installation, just people holding
hands in a circle like in the logo.  I am no expert, but I think your
solution would be acceptable in many corporations and with many
consersative minded people.

However, it would probably still be unacceptable to the most
conservative places in the world where even modest forms of undress
featured on the GDM theme would be rejected.  I suppose the question
is if Ubuntu is targeting those people as potential users of their
distribution -- not my question to answer.  I would suggest that some
measure be taken to satisfy those users, such as a seperate ISO image
or a command-line option on the install CD to install more
conservative artwork.

Thanks for your thoughts on the matter.

-Ryan Thiessen-

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