Inappropriate GDM theme or just bad taste ?!

ABD Computer Installations admin at
Fri Oct 15 16:06:46 UTC 2004

Greetings all,

Well guys and gals , I have to give in to individualism here.
As much as I find the current "Human" theme against my moral liking I 
simple don't critisize I act ,,. Change the theme from the settings to 
something a little more apropos. you'll find it in the 'login screen 
setup'...happy gnome is a good one.

I have several small children who use Linux . Need I say anymore.?
Not teenagers who's hormones are running 100 miles/hour.

For those who would like to replace the Naked threesome with family 
photos or roses you will need to overwrite {not forgeting to keep the 
same filenames}.

/usr/share/pixmaps/splash/ubuntu-people-450x300.png {this should be 
450x300 in size to work properly in the initialising devices spash.}

{this doesnt really matter how big or small you can see what suits you}

Cheers and enjoy ;)

Ps. thanks to ubuntu developers for their time to save ours.


Best Regards

Mohammad Kaan

ph: 0408 867 967

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