Ubuntu based on Debian sid?

Matt Zimmerman mdz at canonical.com
Thu Oct 14 23:13:39 UTC 2004

On Wed, Oct 13, 2004 at 08:35:41PM -0700, Daniel Robitaille wrote:

> but what about Universe?  Is it also frozen from that version of Sid from
> late June.  If a security problem in a package is found and corrected in
> Debian, will it reaches Ubuntu's universe for Warty due to some
> semi-regular resync between Debian and Universe?

Yes, it was frozen at the same time, and no, it is not regularly resyncing
(to do so would likely cause more build failures with time, as it drifted
farther from main).

> Or it's simply  a question of someone from Canonical noticing and doing
> the update "manually"?  And since Universe is unsupported  I guess
> officially we, the end users, cannot ask for it via the official channels,
> i.e, bugzilla.
> I just trying to see if how closely I should follow the security state
> of the handful of packages I carry from Universe in my installation of
> Warty.

Because official security support is not provided for universe, you should
always closely follow security issues in those packages if you use them in a
security-sensitive context.

If you notice a vulnerability in a package in universe, and can provide a
fixed source package which you have verified builds and works on Warty, then
send email to ubuntu-devel with the details.

 - mdz

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