Ubuntu based on Debian sid?

Daniel Robitaille robitaille at gmail.com
Thu Oct 14 03:35:41 UTC 2004

> The snapshot of Debian sid used as the starting point for Warty development
> was frozen in late June.  Sarge entered its first stage of freeze (affecting
> "base" and "standard" packages only) over a month later on August 7th.  The
> rest of Debian is not yet frozen, and new versions of software continue to
> enter sarge.

but what about Universe?  Is it also frozen from that version of Sid
from late June.  If a security problem in a package is found and
corrected in Debian, will it reaches Ubuntu's universe for Warty due
to some semi-regular resync between Debian and Universe? Or it's
simply  a question of someone from Canonical noticing and doing the
update "manually"?  And since Universe is unsupported  I guess
officially we, the end users, cannot ask for it via the official
channels, i.e, bugzilla.

I just trying to see if how closely I should follow the security state
of the handful of packages I carry from Universe in my installation of

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