Default Theme v. Community

J.B. Nicholson-Owens jbn at
Thu Oct 14 20:25:16 UTC 2004

Jason Bradley Nance wrote:
> I fear that this is the first real test of the "community" idea for the 
> project, and it failed.  The community spoke, was heard, and sent on 
> their way.

Then what you want isn't software freedom.  What you want is a dictatorship 
where you and the other complainers who agree with you set the terms for what's 
acceptable and somehow compel someone else to implement your will at no charge 
to you.

Software freedom is not a guarantee that you will be able to get someone else 
to do your work for you at no charge.  If you don't like what they ship, offer 
something better, accept what's offered as-is, reject what's offered outright, 
or buy someone's time to make an improvement that meets your needs.  I'm not 
suggesting that you need to be silent about your objections (apparently that's 
what these mailing lists are here for), I'm saying that you need to understand 
that consultants don't work for free and people who complain without providing 
money have very little pull when threatening unpopularity.

I've posted <416EDF0D.1030804 at> over on Ubuntu-sounder where I 
examine the arguments I've read to date.

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