Ubuntu and speedtouch

adel durnet at menara.ma
Thu Oct 14 17:09:22 UTC 2004

I have speedtouch 330 silver modem, in red hat 9 I use 
speedtouchconf.sf.net script that install driver, files and set itself 
to start at boot... no problems

in Ubuntu running (install gcc first) ./speedtouchconf.sh says /dev/ppp 
not found, ok "mknod /dev/ppp c 180 0" then ./speedtouchconf.sh enter 
your informations et voila... you are online

after rebooting there no internet!!! even doing 
/usr/local/bin/speedtouch-start... it's says firmblah not found while 
you can find it there at /usr/local/share/speedtouch/boot.v123.bin

I did ./speedtouchconf.sh again (mknod /dev/ppp c 180 0 again)... enter 
informations again... online again... reboot... no internet... ok 
./speedtouchconf.sh chat chat... reboot... not internet (no surprise)! 
this time I added "mknod /dev/ppp c 180 0" to speedtouchconf.sh, # to 
lines where script ask me for informations, add needed variables 
(ISP_LOGIN and so) then ./speedtouchconf.sh... wait... you are online

the problem now... how can I explain that to mom?

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