Community response of new ubuntu artwork

Josh Kress josh at
Thu Oct 14 10:38:57 UTC 2004

First of all, I like the current artwork and it perfectly matches with
Ubuntu's philosophy.

However, I realize that some people don't like because of the "real
people" being photographed.

So here is a suggestion that might work for everyone:
Instead of having photos of real people, why not creating some graphics
resembling Keith Haring's artwork.

If you don't know Haring's work, here are some examples:
(BTW: these sites are from the ecard section)

IMHO, artwork like this can communicate Ubuntu's philosophy AND doesn't
offend anyone. Well, there might still be some arguing about sense of
art, but then address me directly.

This might be a way to go in order to satisfy all parties of this
discussion and I'm looking forward to the responses.

One Note: I'm not able to follow discussions on irc due to restrictions
of our dorm's network, therefore I rely on the discussion on this
mailing list.

Jörg Kreß                                                josh at
A proud user of Ubuntu                            Go

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