Problem with Gnome on IBM Thinkpad R31

Johann Spies jspies at
Thu Oct 14 09:23:26 UTC 2004

It was working reasonably stable after I disabled the battery monitor
(which made the mouse going haywire) until the latest aptitude

The mouse became unstable again and started a lot of applications.
The top panel moved to the left side with a size that makes it
impossible for me to access its properties.  The first four icons
fill  the left side of the screen and I can't get it away.  Restarting
X11 with the  Gnome failsafe session, did not help.  I then tried and
remove the "session" file under ~/.gnome2  and "saved_state" under
~/.gconfd but that did not make a difference.  Even removing ~.gnome2,
~.gconfd and ~.gconf did not repair the damage.  

X11 is becoming unusable now.  The mouse does not seem to stabilise.

Are there any other R31 users that have success with the latest X11 on


Johann Spies          Telefoon: 021-808 4036
Informasietegnologie, Universiteit van Stellenbosch

     "I delight to do thy will, O my God; yea, thy law is 
      within my heart."             Psalms 40:8 

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