Default Theme

Fabio Mora fabio.mora at
Thu Oct 14 08:09:56 UTC 2004

>Seconded. If I show this to the boss of the company my father works in
>(who asked me to evaluate the possibility of a Linux migration), or
>any other folks, they will just LOL and bitch on me.
>The problem is not that the pictures itself are too offensive for a
>western culture (they are scandalous in Islamic and Jewish
>countries, but that's another story), the problem is that the very
>first impression I (and possibly many other folks) get is: "Hey, they
>took Debian, put a few chicks in the theme and hope that it sells
>because of this". Western cultures are so fed up with nudity pictures
>that every commercial that uses it is commonly disregarded.
>Ubuntu shall become a great distro because it excels in functionality,
>ease of installation and usage, and universality. Not because it has
>the most nude default pictures. They just do not belong onto a
>professional Desktop.
holy words, man!


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