what a reaction!

Fred Blaise chapeaurouge at madpenguin.org
Thu Oct 14 02:06:35 UTC 2004

Someone must mind the skin, or anything related to this new theme
wouldn't be... I wasn't aiming at ubuntu users in particular, but rather
at that anonymous girl that will complain at work and raise hell about
the pictures, whereas she will come rubbing against me drunk in a night
club, or show her breasts at Mardi Gras... (and I would know quite a
few, back in the days I was actually going out). I guess I am just angry
at the several hypocrites I know ;)

> All I'm saying is this: to reach the widest audience 
> possible, this cannot remain the default theme.

I agree. And I hope ubuntu will succeed. Great distro.

I am sorry if I expressed myself in a bad way...
I guess i am just "upset" that people (not ubuntu users in particular) would be shocked at seeing those pics.
And again, like someone said in earlier posts, it is not possible to satisfy everyone. 
So, a more neutral theme should be used, with this one as an option.

Linux is based around choice, so let's put people with a neutral scheme, that they will change to their liking.


On Wed, 2004-10-13 at 21:36 -0400, dave wrote:
> Fred Blaise wrote:
> > wow... I can't believe people reacted like that to that default theme...
> > I find it rather cool, and as far as I am concerned, conveyed the
> > message it intended on my person.
> > Having lived over 18 years in western Europe, where you see naked women
> > in every TV commercials possible, this is just ridiculous to even have a
> > thread named "erotic wallpaper".. I had a good laugh... Can i remind
> > people that erotic means: "Of or concerning sexual love and desire" or
> > "Tending to arouse sexual desire." (dictionary.com)? If you some of you
> > are aroused by those pics, you got more serious problems in your life
> > than a couple pictures on a desktop computer...
> > Now, having lived in the USA for over 6 years, I can understand the
> > reaction of some people... no nudity on TV, etc.. however, don't you
> > even adventure yourself in a night-club! I was shocked at how girls
> > would rub their behind on your private parties without even knowing you
> > or exchanging a word... anyway, off-topic.
> > My fiancee lived 8 years in Africa (black Africa), and found the
> > reaction of people pretty childish as well, in those threads.
> > 
> > All that to say, much fuss for nothing much, IMHO.
> > 
> > fred
> > 
> > 
> what I can't believe is that you, along with a few others, react as if 
> we've got a problem with the photos themselves! I don't mind the skin! 
> I'm using the theme on my home machine!
> The vast majority of those of us that found issue with the theme are 
> against the simple fact that this was thrust upon us without any sort of 
> notification or dialog. It's simply unacceptable for many of us to use 
> this theme in our workplace. For many more, it's inappropriate to use it 
> day to day. All I'm saying is this: to reach the widest audience 
> possible, this cannot remain the default theme.
> dave

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