Default Theme

Kevin Krumwiede kjkrum at
Wed Oct 13 22:51:54 UTC 2004

On Wed, 13 Oct 2004 22:32:32 +0100
Henrik Nilsen Omma <henrik at> wrote:

> No, I think you're underestimating the project, by saying it's just a 
> Linux distro. It may be just a Linux distro to you, but probably not
> to it's founder, Mark. Look up the Shuttleworth Foundation. He has a
> long track record of philanthropic activity, mainly focused on
> education, long before he started Ubuntu.

It's not "just" a Linux distro; it's the *best* general-purpose/desktop
Linux distro.  It's the distro I'm hoping will drive the last nail into
Microsoft's coffin.  But it's still a Linux distro.  As such, it's not
an appropriate platform for social or political philosophizing, which is
what the defenses of this change boil down to.

> Well, it was developed by the project leadership, headed by the 
> project's founder. You are assuming that they don't understand
> Ubuntu's user base, but that has yet be be seen. We all agree that the
> team has done an amazing job with the distro so far (technically and
> generally), so I think it's a fair bet that they know their marketing
> stuff too.

That's an argumentum ad verecundiam.  There is no reason to believe that
technical genius suggests good marketing sense, or vice-versa.  In fact,
common sense says that the two are mutually exclusive.

> We 
> are certainly not the bulk of the future user base, we are merely
> early adopters.

Early adopters may well be the bulk of the future user base if this
change stays in.


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