erotic wallpaper...

dave dave at
Wed Oct 13 22:04:07 UTC 2004

I might be inclined to agree with that last statement if the choice 
wasn't made for me.

I always suspend my laptop, so I didn't see the change until I restarted 
GDM. Had I done that in a public setting or at work, I would have been a 
bit embarrassed by the theme. It did happen to a previous poster in the 
other thread.

I think it's a perfectly valid discussion.


Michael S. Jessop wrote:

>Eh?  I don't understand what the big deal is.  The wallpaper is quite
>tasteful but.  I agree that it would not fly in a corporate environment
>where everyone is paranoid of sexual harassment, but that is why you
>have at least three other choices!  I am Christian, btw...  (and an
>American on the wrong track, per a previous poster).  I just switched
>the background to one with the watermark.
>This shouldn't even be a topic of discussion.

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