Default Theme

Brian Barr barr at
Wed Oct 13 18:21:26 UTC 2004

Henrik wrote:

> I do NOT think we should have pictures of people in shirts and ties. 
> Just because the business world is one of the markets Ubuntu is aiming 
> for does not mean the people depicted need to look business like. The 
> suit carries a message of competitiveness and a hard edge, that we want 
> to avoid.

I would suggest not using entire bodies.  

How about some pseduo universal gesture like a pair of open hands, etc?  A long line of feet?  The tops of many heads?  This nullifies most of the complaints.  No one is going to claim you need to put a glove on a hand, or that women's hands shouldn't be seen, etc.  Yet it still lends itself to the spirit nicely.

Try some of these on for size:


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