Unofficial Ubuntu Faq?

volvoguy volvoguy at
Wed Oct 13 10:46:37 UTC 2004

On Wed, 13 Oct 2004 11:28:38 +0100, Thomas Beckett
<thomas.beckett at> wrote:
> Im afraid I rather like the unoffical forum. (I didnt want to). I
> think it is down to personal preference - I find it easier to browse
> through than the Wiki, especially if i just want to get information
> that is already there. If i was to add something then of course i
> would find it in the Wiki and add it there, but for searching for an
> answer for something i personally prefer the forum. Also - wasnt there
> talk of setting up official Ubuntu forums a while ago - looks like
> someone beat Canonical to it ;)

Don't get me wrong - I don't have a problem at all with this kind of
thing, but I tend to agree with the original poster that by having an
unofficial FAQ/Forum, it kinda "waters down" the support community. I
already have enough trouble remembering whether I saw some piece of
information on the mailing list, the wiki, or the main Ubuntu website.

I think anything of value that is resolved on the unofficial sites
should be added to the wiki - which kind of defeats the purpose of the
unofficial sites. I know our wiki is rough around the edges right now,
but wiki's in general have a TON of potential for this application. I
think the weakness of the official wiki right now is that it needs a
more concrete and usable architecture. I find that I bounce all over
the place when I'm trying to find something there.

This is constructive criticism by the way. ;-) I created my own
profile on the wiki and hope to start helping with it as well!


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