Please test the Warty release-candidate-candidate

volvoguy volvoguy at
Wed Oct 13 09:02:49 UTC 2004

Here's another one that might have to get filed in the "Aaron doesn't
know what he's talking about" department....

In the wiki update notes
(, it mentions
that this new release candidate should be using udev, but it doesn't
look like anything in that department has changed on my system.

There's a "udev" in /etc/init.d/ - but there isn't a symlink for it in
any of the /etc/rc(x).d/ directories, and the contents of my /dev
directory hasn't changed. My understanding is that the /dev directory
should only contain entries for the hardware (ie. devices) that are
present in the system.

Perhaps it's nothing, but it made me say, "huh?". :-)


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