IPv6 Wireless Problems

Santiago Erquicia santiago_erquicia at yahoo.com.ar
Mon Oct 11 14:40:54 UTC 2004

On Mon, 2004-10-11 at 10:11 -0400, Brian Matsik wrote:
> The card is not using WEP (for the moment) and I do get an automatic
> ESSID assigned from a local open router.  I am using an ipw2100 card
> (which is listed as supported - or so it seems).
> It cannot get a DHCP address no matter what I do.  If I connect via
> windows it works just fine - so I know the router is running.  I
> beleive even Knoppix can get out, but I have used so many live CDs in
> the last week it is starting to hurt :)
> Any advice?

I don't know more than what I told you.  I experienced those problems
and that's why I know about it a little ;)

What happen is you execute "iwconfig eth1 essid off"?

If that doesn't work, I don't have any other idea sorry.

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