moving to a different drive

Mark Hannon markhannon at
Mon Oct 11 12:02:32 UTC 2004

On Mon, 2004-10-11 at 13:35 +0200, Heiko Engemann wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to switch my ubuntu installation to a new harddisk,
> can someone explain me the steps that I need to do to keep my old 
> installation.
> I did this some time ago, by copieng everything to the news drive, but 
> cant remember the right steps.

Cleanup your 'new' partitions and then mount them under your 'existing'

> mkdir /new
> mount -t ext3 /dev/hdb1 /new

Repeat if you have multiple partitions and mount them under /new

Copy your installation over

> cd /
> tar cpf - / | tar xpvf - -C /new

Edit /new/etc/fstab and /new/grub/menu.lst as appropriate

Chroot into your new install and install grub

> chroot /new
(chroot)> grub
(grub)> root (hdx,y) <- with your new root partition
(grub)> setup (hdx) <- where you want to install the boot loader

Exit the chroot and reboot

> Are there many config files to edit after changing the drive/controller.
> Now I have one partition for everything and I wanna use one for /boot 

Why do you want a /boot partition?  I'm not sure they are really needed
on a machine with a half-recent BIOS.

> and and one for /home.
> I already have this partitions, used them for fedora, but wanna switch 
> completely.
> thx
> -- 
> Get Firefox! <>
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