Firefox Annoyances (opening downloads, desktop save directory, etc)

Thom May warty+sounder at
Sun Oct 10 23:53:17 UTC 2004

* Nuno Sousa (nunofgs at wrote :
> I've found several minor annoyances in firefox, and I just wanted to
> know if anybody out there has seen the same. First, when you save a
> download, and then go to the download window, if you click the open
> button, it never opens the application associated with it (yet, when
> you get the save dialog, if you choose open instead of save as, it
> works).

> Also, some applications that show up on the save dialog to
> open the file directly aren't working, probably because they need to
> spawn a console and *then* the program associated with it.
Please file a bug for this, listing problem file types.

> Next up, in the firefox preferences, where you choose your default
> save directory, if you choose 'Desktop' it'll save to your home
> directory, not your desktop.

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