Good GUI dialer - gnome-ppp

Bill Christiansen bill.christiansen at
Sat Oct 9 11:21:02 UTC 2004

Coming from using KDE in my last distro I was missing some of the 
features of the kppp, gkdial's just not quite the same, so I did a hunt 
for a better gnome dialer and found gnome-ppp. It's a gui front end to 
wvdial and has all the features I was missing from kppp.
Only snag is it doesn't come in a deb so you need to do a source install 
and for it to pass it's ./configure stage I needed to install a bunch of 
compiler and libray stuff like g++ gpp lignomeui... but it compiles fine 
and runs well. I haven't learnt how to make debs yet (comining from an 
rpm distro) but maybe someone else could put this one in a package.

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