Firefox bookmarks gone! (more info)

volvoguy volvoguy at
Sat Oct 9 03:52:42 UTC 2004

On Fri, 8 Oct 2004 21:47:50 -0500, Kevin Krumwiede <kjkrum at> wrote:

> I just mentioned this to my brother, and he says, "Yeah, Mozilla does
> that to me all the time."  He uses Moz on WinXP.  Is this a common
> thing?  If this is a known bug that has gone unfixed, I'm going to be
> more than a little shocked...

That's a strange one. I've been using Firefox/Firebird/Phoenix since
it came into existance and I've never seen that problem (in Linux or
XP). I have a suggestion that won't fix the problem, but might make it
more tolerable if you can't find a fix. It's an extension called

Take note that the developer doesn't have a Firefox 1.0PR version
available on yet, but if you follow the link to his
homepage and poke around, you'll see that he has one that is
compatible. Basically what it does is upload your bookmarks to an FTP
server as an XBEL (which is apparently becoming a common XML bookmark
format) file. You can do auto upload/download when you open and close
the browser, or do it manually. It's already been a godsend for my
family a few times when hardware failed and we didn't have a recent
backup of everything.

Hope that helps a little! 


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