OT: Pro and Con of vim [was: Good GUI Text Editor]

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at canonical.com
Thu Oct 7 14:52:43 UTC 2004

Hi Oliver!

Oliver Grawert [2004-10-07 16:51 +0200]:
> and if you have to use openoffice and vim in parallel, beware !
> it always takes me ages to clean up all the ":w" and additional "i"
> chars in my oo docs 
> :)

Indeed, whenever I sit in front of another editor, I mess up
everything with something like jjjjjjjjjAfoo<Esc> :-)

But since I use LaTeX, I fortunately do not have to use other editors
so often.


Martin Pitt                       http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer            http://www.ubuntulinux.org
Debian GNU/Linux Developer       http://www.debian.org
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