How do I set up PPP and where/how do I get wvdial?

Neil Woolford neil at
Wed Oct 6 22:04:33 UTC 2004


I've just installed Sounder9 on an old machine.  I'd now like to get it on 
the internet via my dialup connection.

When I open the network settings gui and try to add a ppp dialup connection 
I get the error message that I need wvdial.  This doesn't seem to be on the 
Sounder9 disc, it certainly isn't present in the packages list when I look 
for it in the Synaptics package manager.

How do I get wvdial?  I presume it is available as a package, but where?

Come to that, why isn't it present in the base install if it is needed to 
set up ppp - the networking assistant has a setting for ppp!


PS  During install I was prompted for all the relevant ISP information, but 
there is no trace of it in the network settings gui.  Where has that gone 
then?  How would that have set up ppp if wvdial isn't available?
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