cd and dvd covers

Bo Rosén brosen at
Wed Oct 6 20:52:38 UTC 2004

ons 2004-10-06 klockan 22.39 skrev Mark C:

> I tend to use glabels for all my CD/DVD Covers, and and dvdbackup,

Thanks, I didn't know glabels could handle this sort of thing. I'll give
it a go.

> dvauthor and streamdvd and streamanalyze, lsdvd for ripping dvd's and
> eek, k3b for a good round burning program (the downside is that it is a
> KDE app IMHO).

I'll look into these if I should need them. So far, I think I'll manage
with xcdroast and growisofs for burning and soundjuicer or grip for

Bo Rosén <brosen at>

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