
Darren Critchley darrenc at telus.net
Wed Oct 6 15:01:00 UTC 2004

Jeff DeLoach wrote:

>Has anyone got a DLink DWL-650+ working under Ubuntu?
Yes! using three different methods on a Thinkpad 390X

All three involve downloading the windows drivers and extracting them to 
a directory on Ubuntu.

You can use the ndiswrapper.sourcforge.net method - it worked for me but 
a scanning tool called kismet would not work, otherwise everything 
worked. This was the easiest method and required the least amount of 
work. I only had to install gcc, g++ and the kernel-headers. 
Documentation at sourceforge is good.

You can use the built in acx100 driver, excellent instructions can be 
found by going to acx100.sourcforge.net and then under documentation 
read Craigs How-To, if you follow it precisely, it will work for you.

If you want the latest and greatest kernel module, same address as 
above, but compile the kernel module yourself.

I am using the third method at the moment, and have not inserted the 
start_net/stop_net scripts into the startup/stop sequence as I am 
unfamiliar with Debian. Once I figure out how to do that, I will put up 
a How-to on the wiki, as soon as someone points me in the right 
direction of the wiki :) (I only started using Ubuntu 2 days ago).


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