Disappointing Evolution
jan.moren at lucs.lu.se
Wed Oct 6 01:47:13 UTC 2004
ons 2004-10-06 klockan 11:09 +1000 skrev Jamie Wilkinson:
> Can you suggest an alternative for RSS feeds? I used to use straw but alas
> that is not even included in universe!
If you use firefox, get the "Sage" extension; it is a pretty decent feed
reader, and as it is part of Firefox there is no need to have another
app running just for rss. It is not perfect, but I'm pretty happy with
> --
> jaq at spacepants.org http://spacepants.org/jaq.gpg
Trust the Computer. The Computer is your friend.
Tel. (Japan) 090-3622 8920 Dr. Jan Morén (mr)
Dept. of Cognitive Science
http://lucs.lu.se/people/jan.moren Lund, Sweden
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