how to boot without X

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Tue Oct 5 21:36:16 UTC 2004

Hi David!

(Rerouting to the list)

On 2004-10-05 16:37 +0100, david wrote:
> I think my question has been misunderstood.
> What I mean is this, is there a way I can, from the initial boot screen,
> pass options to the bootloader that will boot the base system but not
> X ?

None that I know of.

> Editing anything in system to achieve this is not what I'm after.

Sorry, but without editing anything nothing will stop the gdm init
script from being executed. So either you have a "Non-X" runlevel or
you modify /etc/init.d/gdm to scan the kernel parameters (which you
can edit in grub and can be seen in /proc/cmdline) for a magic word
and exit if it is found. The latter solution could even be implemented
by default, if a general concensus about this is reached.


Martin Pitt             
Ubuntu Developer  
Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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