Nick Mirkovich Is From the Future!

Nick Mirkovich nickm1 at
Tue Oct 5 16:46:31 UTC 2004

Yes, you too can learn how to fold time and space. It only requires 15+
years of Unix experience and a warp drive clock!

Actually, I'm not sure why this is happening. The clock/calender on my
system at work is correct. I sent an email from my personal account,
this one, to my business email and the time stamp was correct. 
I'll check the clock on my home system tonight.

Apologies to all effected.

On Tue, 2004-10-05 at 11:51, Brett Kirksey wrote:
> I've kept wondering why Nick Mirkovich's posts end up at the top of my lists. Then I looked at the date sent. His time zone is U.S. Eastern (UTC-0400), but his date is a full 24 hours ahead.
> Conclusion, Nick Mirkovich lives in the future! This is awesome, maybe he can fix some bugs before we encounter them. :-)
> Brett

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