Feather Ubuntu, Mini Ubuntu, Ubuntu Light?

Dan R. Hunt dan.r.hunt at gmail.com
Tue Oct 5 05:17:12 UTC 2004

I have tried Ubuntu, and I want to put it everywhere! So to everyone, THANKS!

I have a Compaq Deskpro ENS PII400 with 128 MB of ram and only a 2 GB
hard drive.
Anyone have suggestions on making / trimming a mini system especially
for this sub $30.00 computer? Yes I could spend another $16.00 and
double the disk space, but I have some buddies who's WIN 95 machines
are screaming for help and I would like to lend them a low cost Ubuntu
system while I work on getting their Windows machine working again.

I've been looking for a document that states what the final install
size of the Ubuntu system is, like this one for Woody:

Dan R. Hunt
Saint Brieux Saskatchewan Canada

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