Michael Brandtner michael.brandtner at
Mon Oct 4 20:55:03 UTC 2004

Am Samstag, den 02.10.2004, 10:57 -0400 schrieb David M. Carney:
> Hmmm...
> I opened a Gnome Terminal and entered the path manually. I then ran the
> installer. During the install, it setup the program to find java.
> So my program is installed and my problem fixed, but I'm still kinda
> curious why I couldn't change the path by updating the /etc/profile
> file.

The same here.
I'm also trying to install the Sun-JDK and want the java-binary
directory in the default path.
I think the right way to set environment-variables ist /etc/environment
(btw, thanks to Oliver Grawert for the hint).
But it is not possible to set (or better add) the path in this file, the
old path will be overwritten.
Changing the path in /etc/profile works fine in the console, but it
won't work in a X-Terminal.
I even changed DefaultPath in the gdm.conf and login.defs with no

I think there's a cheap simple trick described in a manual, stored in a
basement of a house on planet in galaxy near you ...



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