Newbie and using Ubuntu

Richard Schinnell richnrockville at
Mon Oct 4 10:32:16 UTC 2004

>From: "Benjamin Edwards" <bedwards at>
>To: <richnrockville at>,<ubuntu-users at>
>Subject: Re: Newbie and using Ubuntu
>Date: Mon, 04 Oct 2004 11:08:00 +0100
>Maybe a 2-5 page getting started guide that people should read before using 
>the list.  Although Ubuntu remit is to be easy to use lets not forget that 
>most people who first use windows/macos have a learning curve and many 
>people would get windows pre-installed/get a friend to do it.
> >>> "Richard Schinnell" <richnrockville at> 10/03/04 12:51pm >>>
>I did not mean to look down on those who do know a lot about Ubuntu as they
>are the ones, as you say, do end up improving the os.  I was really trying
>to get the point across that some of the "techi's talk to newbies as if 
>should know intuitively how to do a greb or sudo. This can be frustrating.

I agree that a small readme would be  nice. I tried to download all the 
files that were relevant but evidently did not read them that good. But I 
have successfully gotten most everything to work except the printing. which 
I will have to do some more research.

I really appreciate all the constructive comments that I have received.  
FWIW, I am writing an article for my local user group on the trials and 
trivulations of these installs.  It looks pretty good to me, so far..


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