Memory Leak?

Stephen Durham smd271 at
Sun Oct 3 19:51:44 UTC 2004

That is good to know, since the swap is almost never used and the system
load average is always low. I guess I will quit worrying about it unless
my games slow down. I have used linux for a while and have always
wondered about that (I don't program so I don't know much about what is
going on with that stuff).
Again thanks,

On Sun, 2004-10-03 at 18:28 +0200, Carlos Perelló Marín wrote:
> On Sun, 2004-10-03 at 12:06 -0400, Stephen Durham wrote:
> > One more question: Is there a known memory leak with Evolution or Gnome
> > going on. My memory usage upon rebooting is about 22% with 11% cache out
> > of 1GB. Before I rebooted with everything closed it was about 78% with
> > 40% cache. I don't experience any kind of slow down, but this might be
> > an issue when I get some games installed.
> > Thanks,
> > Stephen Durham
> > 
> It could be, but you should remember that Linux memory handling works in
> a way that it gets always as much memory as it could and caches anything
> it could so the speed is improved. Perhaps the "free" command shows you
> your memory full but that's not really true, Linux handles it correctly
> and if you have an application that needs a lot of memory, it will get
> the needed amount and the cached portion will be reduced.
> So, Linux gets all memory and handles it in a good way, don't worry if
> the systems says that you don't have free memory, the only thing that
> should "scare" you is if the swap file usage increases its size too much
> with a small list of running applications.
> Cheers.

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