Newbie and using Ubuntu

Oliver Grawert hostmaster at
Sun Oct 3 16:42:31 UTC 2004


Am Sonntag, den 03.10.2004, 12:19 -0400 schrieb Alexander Antoniades:
> 1) Please include joe or another easy to use text editor in the
> default install, and use it for instructions when your instructing
> users to edit text files. I think this is important since vi and emacs
> aren't tools for people without a *nix background.
there already is gedit (which works fine from the commandline) it's up 
to the supporting person to give the hint in the non vi direction 
(which is hard if you are used to vi).

> 2) There is a Root terminal window, if you're going to tell people to
> basically issue root commands then just have them use that instead of
> just saying 'sudo xxx' since you're assuming they already have a
> terminal open, which in many cases may not be true.
admitting that sudo can get nerving, you can damage a lot more in a root
terminal by accident. the right thing IMHO is to advise to open a
terminal before telling use sudo.


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