Mailing lists

John dingo at
Sun Oct 3 09:38:13 UTC 2004

Matt Zimmerman wrote:

I don't think a "n00bbs" list is that good an idea, but I think 
something along the lines I suggest will get some separation, some 
overlap. That is the natural way people learn from early childhood, from 
older siblings and older friends.

>>I think that inviting people to subscribe before they download or 
>>install will help ensure that questions regarding installation issues 
>>will be directed to the appropriate list.
>>Similarly, ensuring that they know about the next level of (free) 
>>support _after_ successull installation will help ensure those questions 
>>go to the correct list.
> Think about this from the perspective of the people who will need to use the
> lists.  Why should they need to use one list when they're installing, and
> then another list after they've successfully installed?
> This sort of division is more workable in forums, where there isn't much
> overhead to switch between topics, but with mailing lists and their
> subscribe/unsubscribe paradigm, it's very awkward.

I have thought about this from the perspective of the people who will 
need to use the lists.

Many of the problems in installing are connected with configururing 
installation servers (for network installs), booting media, initial 
hardware detection and configuration, issues with bootloaders, media 
integrity and so on.

One those issues are handled, problems become "Where is KDE?", "what 
happened to the root account," "How do I create DVDs?" Why doesn't my 
camera work.

There may be some apparent overlap, such as in hardware detection, but 
mostly their causes will be different.

>>I note with interest in people's interest in discussion forums. My
>>experience with them hasn't been so attractive. I think that it is more
>>likely that users will visit, register if they must, ask their questions
>>and leave. Clearly some stary longer than that, but I find I have to make
>>a special effort to go to a forum whereas in contrast, mailing lists
>>arrive in my inboxes and demand my attention.
>>If I think the demand reasonable then I accept it; otherwise I am likely 
>>to leave (as I did wrt some Debian lists recently).
>>If this list were a forum, I'd have dropped out long ago.
> It has been clearly stated on this list that these mailing lists will not be
> replaced by forums.  The forums will augment the available facilities and
> integrate with them.

I didn't intend to imply otherwise. _I_ don't think forums are very good 
and gave my reasons, but it's evident others think them the bees knees. 
IF forums take some of the load off this list, that's fine by me!

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