Congrats but weird CUPS and non CUPS printing issue

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Sun Oct 3 01:00:50 UTC 2004

On Sat, Oct 02, 2004 at 10:20:57PM +0100, Richard Morrell wrote:

> Congrats on a sterling piece of work - I am deeply in awe of the distro, the
> aptitude and steering behind the project and the quality of thought that has
> gone into Ubuntu. You deserve a major vote of thanks. Having run a rather large
> OpenSource project for 4 yrs I know the pain but also the pride too.


> I must have done 20,000+ Linux installs in my time probably more. Hardly a
> spring chicken. Printing is buggered in Ubuntu. It's just not happening. I've
> debugged checked everything and CUPS is not properly configured or you have
> libraries screwed somewhere.
> Tried local CUPS HP Officejets and HP Photojets locally on parallel, remote SMB
> printing, remote Unix queues and also a host of Jetdirect 4+ and 4500TN boxes I
> have here.
> Nothing, nada. No print test jobs even getting to queue. Have also seen 19 mails
> and postings about printing and no responses that shed any light.

Believe me, we have tested basic functionality such printing, so it's not a
question of it being globally broken. :-)  The couple of posts that I saw
today both boiled down to a missing driver (pnm2ppa), which has now been
added to the default desktop install.

For good measure, I just printed another test page on my local parallel
printer (HP DeskJet 693C), and then submitted a test page to it remotely
from another Warty machine, and both worked perfectly.

Have you checked /var/log/cups/error_log for clues?  Have you made any
changes to the CUPS configuration after installing?

 - mdz

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