Installing software from web

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Fri Oct 1 22:29:18 UTC 2004

On Fri, Oct 01, 2004 at 02:59:10PM -0400, Rob Diehl wrote:

> 1) Firefox extension that lets you right-click on a .deb package within 
> a repository, and have the extension automatically parse the URL and 
> send the repository info to apt. Something that says like "Install 
> software package". Extension pops up a password box prior to running apt 
>  to authenticate.
> 2) Firefox extension to auto-parse a URL and add the repository to apt. 
> Right click -> "Add to Repository". Pop-up a password box for 
> authentication. Then the user would proceed to use existing apt / 
> synaptic tools and browse the new added repository.
> Anybody have any other ideas?

The Ubuntu universe is meant to be broadly inclusive.  After the Warty
release, we will be doing some work to arrange for a great deal of this
third-party software to be available directly from our archive (with the
usual universe disclaimers).

So rather than making it easier for you to get software from elsewhere, we
will bring all of the software to you. :-)

 - mdz

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