Problem with adaptec SCSI card

Trouilliez Vincent vincent.trouilliez at
Tue Nov 30 08:04:46 UTC 2004

> so I installed Ubuntu to an IDE drive without the SCSI card installed
> ...I then installed the SCSI card and Ubuntu recognized it
> Thanks,
> ...ROMeyn


I just (re) installed Ubuntu Warty this morning, took only 20 minutes. I
have a SCSI controller and there was no problem, the driver was
installed in a matter of seconds at the start of the install process,
everything went very quickly and smoothy, just sweet as chocolate
So no need to wait for Hoary, Ubuntu is already plenty capable enough to
deal with SCSI controllers.

Obviously, like with any peripheral, it's best to stick with very
popular/well supported hardware. Maybe this is you problem, maybe you
have some weird/generic/not so common brand or model ?

I played it safe and took an Adaptec 2940 for the controller, and an
AGFA SnapScan 1236s for the SCCI scanner. 
After adding the 'sg' module to /etc/modules, everything was working



PS: you got me curious, so when Hoary is  finally realeased, I may try
and get an old/dirty cheap SCSI hard drive from Ebay to try and do what
you wanted to do. 
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