Root Access

Ken Adams ken at
Sat Nov 27 21:10:34 UTC 2004

Hi everyone


Got a problem!!!!


I have just installed the latest Ubuntu from the i386 iso on a spare P11/350
machine. The install went exceedingly well and so far all is looking very


One problem though.


>From the Gnome menu, once I have logged in as a user, I want to do a few
bits like use Synaptic and Network-admin. When I click on the menu for them
I then get the Root Password prompt and enter it OK, BUT.I get the following
error message come up.


Failed to run network admin as user root:

Child terminated with 1 status


I can't even bring up a Root Terminal, getting a similar error message.


I CAN go to a standard text console using <CTRL><ALT><F1> and log-in as


What am I missing??



Ken Adams


MSN Messenger : g7oah at



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