Mirroring i386 locally

Markus Amersdorfer der.plusch.lists at gmx.at
Sat Nov 27 15:31:05 UTC 2004


> > [debmirror]
> Well, that sounds wonderfully simple!
> My next question, being new to the world of Debian, has to be what 
> apt's server mechanism is.  Is it just an http server?  Could I just 
> as well store my packages on another server?

Yes. You can easily use Apache with a config like the following:

  # Allow access to the Ubuntu-Mirror from the local net only
  # (sorry, but the uplink is too narrow to share publically currently)
  <Directory /your/ubuntu/mirror>
   Order Deny,Allow
   deny from all
   Allow from
  <VirtualHost ubuntu.yourdomain.com>
    DocumentRoot /your/ubuntu/mirror
    ServerName ubuntu.yourdomain.com
    ErrorLog /var/log/apache/ubuntu.yourdomain.com-error.log
    TransferLog /var/log/apache/ubuntu.yourdomain.com-access.log

And then, on your Ubuntu-machines, in /etc/apt/sources.list, add
something like (as one line, of course):

  deb http://ubuntu.yourdomain.com/ warty main multiverse
      restricted universe

Note that the exact URL for the sources.list depends on
(I'm currently just setting up a local mirror myself and I've only done
something like that for Debian Woody before, but I guess this should be
similar enough ...)


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and honesty in a person's attempt to understand the universe.
                                            <Dan Simmons, Endymion>

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