Intel 536ep based modem

Lloyd D Budd foolswisdom at
Mon Nov 22 20:54:38 UTC 2004

On Mon, 22 Nov 2004 14:49:47 -0500 (EST), ubuntu at
<ubuntu at> wrote:
> > Use the "alien" command (make sure it's installed first).  Just use the
> > command (under root or sudo) "alien -i {RPMname}" and it'll convert it
> > to a .deb file, call DPKG to install it, and delete the .deb file.
> Can alien be installed from the Warty CD? I don't have net access at his
> place (well, I'll have net access if I can get the modem working, but not
> before).
Yes , it is a dependent of Ubuntu-desktop
-> lsb -> alien

Peace be in you ,
Lloyd D Budd

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