Nautilus and remote servers

Eric Feliksik milouny at
Sun Nov 21 13:01:01 UTC 2004

Eric Feliksik wrote:
> I have a similar problem. Although connecting via FTP Login asks for a 
> password and immediately logs in, connecting via SSH is less successful. 
> It doesn't even always seem to behave the same; but often a popup 
> "connecting to <hostname>, you can cancel this operation by clicking 
> 'cancel'" appears. Other times an empty nautilus window opens with a 
> grey background... And sometimes nothing happens.
> (the indeterministic behaviour *might* be due to caching or something, I 
> don't know - but it does confuse me.)
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Eric

I'm replying to may own mail here: After closing and reopening the 
nautilus "network" window, a lot of connections I tried to make and 
unmounted (at least I thought I did) were back. Obviously this shouldn't 
be the case.

A lot of struggling with the application showed it is possible to have 
the sftp site opened, but I think it needs a LOT of patience. Sometimes 
it takes a minute or so te be opened. When logging in with command-line 
ssh or sftp the connection works instantly.

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